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RIC3 Family Ultimate Frisbee welcomes everyone, which includes kids, youth and adults to toss a frisbee and play ultimate together. We play by Ultimate's 10 simple rules plus RIC3 Family house modifications here. We work to make even matchups and utilize other creative tactics to level the playing field. We adhere to ultimate's Spirit of the Game, which means you play to win, but at the same time respect yourself, teammates, opponents and the game itself. It also means the responsibility of fair play is placed on the athletes themselves, rather than a referee.

RIC3 Family Ultimate Frisbee

Participants with a user profile will get priority when an event has a max capacity but you do not need to create a profile to join an event. If you have questions, feel free to email ultimate@RIC3Family.com or text Wilkin Lai at (313) 525-1255. Click here to view or contribute photos to "Indoor Family Frisbee at RMC"